So apparently it is now very important to blog in order for your website to be recognized. Who came up with that brilliant idea? I do not think I am alone when I say I really do not enjoy writing, even my diary get’s a raw deal and anyone who has seen my replies to emails, knows that I write in very brief sentences. I am a talker not writer so maybe my blog should be a video, but then again I do not like being seen. What to do. I am taking the better of the two evils and attempting to write my first blog. Here goes!
It is a gorgeous day in Winter Park today. I am sitting in my office looking out of the window at the blue sky, which has been quite rare this Winter due to the amount of snow we have had. For a while there I felt like I was back in England with gloomy Winter days, but now Colorado is back. It is 50 degrees today which is crazy. 50 degrees in February the record was in 1951 when it was 60 degrees today. Living here for 17 years I will take this balmy weather, put on a t-shirt and think that Spring is not far around the corner.
With this balmy weather it has put me in mind of the ocean, so tonight I will be indulging with friends at the Sage Brush for all you can eat crabs legs. Yum! There is also a wild game night at the Grand lake center. 5.30pm.
I am hoping for the weather to hold for tomorrow as I will be off to the Winter carnival in Grand Lake, CO. If you have not been before I highly recommend it, there are lots of entertainment from bed sled races to teapot curling. Starts at 9.30am. The evening entertainment will be at Pancho and Leftys for the King and Queen Ball, fancy dress optional.
So to conclude my first blog. Happy weekend to you all and here is a picture of my dining room table with a touch of Spring (I love daffodils) just to remind you it is just around the corner.
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